English & Math tutoring with specialized and university educated tutors
Our English language tutoring is conducted by tutors whose mother tongue is English, who can also communicate in Swedish as needed.

What We Offer
- English - catch up, fix problems or purely excel!
- Math - catch up, fix problems or purely excel!
Our tutors work with all grade levels, from pre-school through the “gymnasium” years.
In addition to improving English proficiency and mathematic skills, we offer sessions which prepare students for major mid-term tests, final exams and national testing (Swe: nationella prov). Our tutors are exceptional at teaching both the English language and the mathematics required to succeed in school and beyond.
Your complete satisfaction and the achievement of your goals are our highest priority.

Our Proven Method
We use a successful three-step system.
- First, our tutors assess the proficiency of the student and map specific areas for improvement.
- Second, in consultation with a supervisor, our tutors plan a personalized curriculum, addressing all necessary areas.
- Third, our specialized tutors lead and instruct the student. We continuously adjust the plan to the unique skill-set of your child.
This process is monitored by a supervisor from start to finish.